Time Horizon Zone or Time Crossing Zone
Time Horizon Zone or Time Crossing Zone (or Geological Time Horizon Zone) is an internationally recognized geological site of its significant importance. It is an area where the contact between two rock formations from different geological eras is clearly visible the red sandstone of the Cambrian period approximately 541-485 million years ago, and the limestone of the Ordovician period approximately 485-444 million years ago. This contact zone was formed by tectonic movements and is clearly observable making it valuable for scientific research. It is deemed worthy of preservation and development as an educational resource for students researchers and the general public.
This site is located within the Satun UNESCO Global Geopark and the Petra Islands National Park Office, which is home to the Time Crossing Zone. Currently the site has become a new tourist destination and natural learning center in Satun Province. Efforts have been made to develop the area in various ways to promote tourism including the construction of a nature trail bridge through the Time Crossing Zone security measures for visitors and the installation of informative signage to educate people about geology.